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понедельник, 22 апреля 2013 г.

Female Boss ;)

Bad female boss? She may have Queen Bee Syndrome

She’s the alpha female in the workplace who tries to preserve power at all costs

I once heard a quote stating, “In a social context, both women and men prefer to be in the company of men.”
Ouch! Whatever happened to the sisterhood of women?

It's rare to find it in the workplace, according to a few new studies. Three quarters of men said they would much rather work for a man than a woman. A quarter of woman polled found their female bosses to be backstabbing and to have poor personal boundaries when it came to sharing their personal lives at the office. Another study found that female bosses were easily threatened, emotionally unpredictable or irritable. Other negative descriptors for the female boss included, “moody,” “sharp tongued,” “too cliquey” and “vain.”  Read more...
An extremely interesting article + video report on the topic (Pls, wait till ad in the video player finishes)

 How To Work For A Female Boss

When it comes to bosses, I’ve already made my preference clear: “I’d Rather Work for a Man.”
That said, I’ve worked for women along the way, and one of the more common questions I get from men is how to work for a female boss.
What they’re really asking me is: How do I, a man, work for a female boss? And that’s not so easy for me to answer, as a woman.
Here are a few things I’ve learned over the years that do and don’t work when the boss is a lady — whether you’re a man or a woman. Read more...

Do female bosses lead to better treatment for all women?

“More female leadership will lead to fairer treatment for all women.” This is a core argument in 

Sheryl Sandberg’s controversial new book “Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead.” But 

is it true?

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