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понедельник, 22 апреля 2013 г.

Female Boss ;)

Bad female boss? She may have Queen Bee Syndrome

She’s the alpha female in the workplace who tries to preserve power at all costs

I once heard a quote stating, “In a social context, both women and men prefer to be in the company of men.”
Ouch! Whatever happened to the sisterhood of women?

Наша цель - общение. Некоторые рекомендации изучающим и преподающим Business English.

О том, что деловое общение на иностранном языке уже давно вышло за рамки знания профессиональных терминов, известно всем. Английский всё больше становится международным языком бизнеса. Его всё чаще называют lingua franсa нашего времени. И пока

воскресенье, 14 апреля 2013 г.

Job Interview Questions (Profound Research from Forbes)

How to Ace the 50 Most Common Interview Questions?
Job seekers need to anticipate less conventional interview questions, and that they should think of oddball queries as an opportunity to demonstrate their thought process, to communicate their values and character, and to show the prospective employer how they perform under pressure.

The 10 Most Common Job Interview Questions

 The absolute best thing you can do to prepare for a job interview is 

to practice your answers to the questions you’re most likely to be asked.